Attendance and absence

If your child is unwell and unable to attend school you must contact the office by telephone on the first morning of their illness (01423 886026).

At Hookstone Chase Primary School we believe that regular and punctual attendance at school are the main factors in supporting your child’s learning and wellbeing. Only pupils who have regular attendance can access the full quality of education that is offered at our school. It is very important that your child is in school on time at 8.45am each day, their attendance is good and that few school days are missed.

However, colds and sickness bugs spread very rapidly between young children and can cause great distress to a child who needs to be in bed. If your child will not be attending school the office must be informed by telephone (01423 886026) on the first morning of any absence before 9.00am and for every day of their absence thereafter. Any unexplained absences will be registered as unauthorised and recorded on your child’s end of year report.

For other absences, parents must make a request in advance (including for doctor and dentist appointments).  You can download the request form at the bottom of this page, or collect a paper copy from the school office. Only the headteacher can authorise absence from school. Authorised absence are things like illness and hospital or dental appointments. Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. This means holidays in term time will not be authorised.

Attendance Procedures 

  1. If a child is absent from school, the school office must be informed by telephone (01423 886026) or by email ( on the first morning of any absence before 9.00am and for every day of their absence thereafter.
  2. If school is not telephoned to explain an absence by 9.00am, our Pastoral Lead or office staff will telephone the main contact parent/carer for an explanation.
  3. If the main contact parent/carer cannot be contacted by 9.30am, the other emergency contact numbers provided will be telephoned.
  4. Parents/carers must ensure that their child arrives at school on time. The school gates are opened at 8.30am; children line up in their classes (Year 2 – 6) or go directly to their classroom doors (Reception and Year 1) at 8.40am. The school day begins at 8.45am.
  5. A child is deemed late if they arrive at school after 8.45am. Children who arrive late must be brought by their parent/carer to the school office and a reason given.
  6. For sickness and diarrhoea, children must not return until 48 hours after the last episode. For other illnesses, if a child feels better during the morning, we would expect them to return school for the afternoon session.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s attendance please speak to Mrs Lee our Pastoral Lead.

General Documents Date Download
Application for leave in exceptional circumstances 08th Aug 2024 Download