Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Hookstone Chase Primary School is committed to promoting the personal and social development, health and wellbeing of its pupils, which underpins the ethos of the school and is reflected in its policies and in the breadth of the curriculum. It aims to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and to prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities, choices and experiences for future life.

Our approach to RSE consists of a comprehensive and developmental programme of teaching and learning, which is delivered in the context of a Healthy School where the health and wellbeing of pupils and the whole school community are actively promoted.

The school’s overall aims of RSE are to teach and develop the following three main elements:

Attitudes and values:

  • learn the importance of values and develop individual conscience and moral considerations
  • learn the value of family life, marriage and stable and loving relationships in order to nurture children.
  • learn the value of respect, love and care
  • explore, consider and understand moral dilemmas
  • develop critical thinking as part of decision making

Personal and social skills:

  • learn to manage emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively
  • develop self-respect and empathy for others
  • learn to make choices based on an understanding of difference and with an absence of prejudice
  • develop an appreciation of the consequences of choices made
  • manage conflict
  • learn how to recognise and avoid exploitation and abuse

Knowledge and understanding:

For further information please see-

Department of Education-Relationships, Sex and Health Education:

Department of Education-Relationships, Sex and Health Education: guides for parents


For more details see the links on the right hand side of this  page. 

General Documents Date  
HCPS RSE Relationships Sex Education Policy 12th Aug 2024 Download
RSE guidance for parents from DfE 12th Aug 2024 Download